Extraterrestrials I Have Met During My Psychic Travels Through Space: Pt. 4 (K-N)

R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2024

Note: Wikipedia claims these races are all fictional. Who are you going to believe: them, or me?

Kadi…Sorry. I’m forbidden to reveal what the Kadi said or what Kadi did.

Key-Guardians…They were quite courteous and helpful (and brave) when I dropped mine into the Sarlacc Pit.

King Ghidora…Has visited innumerable uninhabited planets; also known as Ghidora the Explorer.

Kharaa…Their Karaa Tea packs quite a punch.

Kig-yar…Most of them are shape-shifters, but sometimes a Kig-yar is just a Kig-yar.

Kimera…Curiously, their accent is exactly the reverse of that of Commander Pavel Chekov of the Enterprise, so when they say Kimera, it sounds like our word camera.

King Cold…His ascendancy strongly disputed by Mr. Freeze.

Kisshu…Always getting slapped in the face.

Kiver…A virulent space bug that attacks the central nervous system of humans; good luck if you get a Kiver up your spine.

Klingons…From a planet composed mostly of static.

Koala Bear People…You’ve definitely seen them, at least in pictures. They are not animals (which should be obvious) despite what you’ve been told. “People” has been dropped from their name by Earth’s scientific community in order to protect this unassuming race’s privacy and autonomy.

Koozbanians…Successfully banned kooz throughout the universe. (Never heard of kooz? Now you know why!)

Krishnans…Have been banned from spaceports everywhere.

K’tang…Supposedly evolved from stray crystals of the powdered Tang that earth astronauts carried into space. Probably an urban legend.

Kyo…Their current leader is Kyo Adrian.

L1Z1X Mindnet…Not really an alien but a scam product interglobally hawked on infomercials. Claimed to be a hairnet that, infused with the “miracle” component corpusinium, will enable its wearer to know the right thing to say in any situation. Order now and get a second one free.

Lance Corporal Dororo…Not a soldier. Those are his first, middle, and last names.

Large Nostril People of Bodie-Den…Adorned with nose piercing studs the size of truck tires.

Legislators…All talk and no action.

Liir…Their pants are on fiir.

Little Guys…There’s no low hanging fruit on their planet. Even when there’s low hanging fruit.

Loboan…If attacked by a Loboan shark, watch out for your kneecaps.

Lobster Men: Number one crime problem: cannibalism.

Loric…Recently became extinct. Alas poor Loric.

Macra…They have an annual month long holiday. It’s called Macra May.

Magma…Rarely lose their temper, but when they do blow their top…WATCH OUT!

Malons…When they’re on, they’re off.

Mangalores…Males outnumber females among them 20:1.

Mantis Man…Seemed to be jumpy in the presence of Mantis Woman. Odd.

Marmosians…They love to mosey, even though they're pretty bad at it.

Martians…No, they are not from Mars. They’re tiny space creatures who live in or on Marti, a cashier at my local 7 Eleven (kind of like in that Eddy Murphy movie I can’t remember the name of right now).

Melnorme…aka The Velvenfog.

Melotians…Always hogging the sun block.

Miradorn…Hired to decorate the now-defunct Russian space station.

Mmmmhrm…Used to be Momomomohorom, but the Hooloovoo stole all their o’s.

Mork…Not from Ork, but network executives won out.

The Mooninites…Stole Cat Stevens’ "Starry Starry Night" for use as their planetary anthem, sticking their name in the starry night parts.

Mor-Taxans…Always begging to have their taxes increased; they’re loony.

Mr. Saturn…I asked Mr. Saturn to give me a ring some time. Mr. Saturn didn't laugh.

Needlehead…Can’t carry on a conversation. Always losing the thread.

Nietzschesns…Their planet is flat. And circular.


New Gods…Same as the old gods.

Nox…Approachable when they’re alone or in groups, but don’t bother two Nox.



R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.