Facebook Needs To Be Stopped — Now!!

Sign the petition to force Facebook to provide a customer support phone number to its users

Christine Stevens
The Haven
3 min readJan 6, 2024


Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

I am just back in Barcelona after spending the holidays in the States. I met up with my favorite professor, whom I’ll call Prof., who appeared to me to be a broken man.

“Prof, what’s wrong, you look so sad!”

Prof told me a great tale of woe.

His Facebook Account Was Hacked And Stolen

Facebook sent him a security alert which alerted him that someone with a Vietnamese phone number had taken over his account. It even provided the phone number.

In other words, Facebook could very easily identify that his account had been hacked and stolen and very easily give it back to Prof. But they don’t. Because they don’t care. They have enough users. If they lose a few thousand to hacking, what do they care?

None of the ways to get your account back that are found on the Facebook site worked for him.

I’ve never seen him so sad. “I lost fifteen years of family memories. Videos, photos, everything.”

I wasn’t exactly surprised. A few years back when I was advertising on Facebook for a product I was selling, suddenly my advertising account was suspended because my credit card was somehow no longer “secure.”

It was impossible to get anybody on the phone, even though I was actually paying them thousands of dollars per month.

Why is Facebook so callous and uncaring about its users?

Because it can be.

Mark Zuckerberg, one of the richest people in the world, apparently can’t afford to have a call center.

Prof found out on Reddit that thousands of other people have lost their Facebook accounts this way, even though they had two-step verification and all the rest.

Reddit recommended that people email the California Attorney General's office to force Facebook to reactivate their accounts.

But by the time Prof filled out the form, they were no longer helping people this way. Prof received a canned response telling him to hire a lawyer. The California Attorney General’s office gave him a link to some lawyers. How kind.

Then Prof found out that the State Attorney General in Utah might help. he filled out another form. Heard nothing.

“It’s become my obsession,” he said. “To get my account back. I spend ten hours a day trying to fix this. But I get nowhere.”

One thing he found is a petition to force Facebook to create a better process for reactivating an account that has been hacked.

Here it is:

But I think Facebook should be forced to post a phone number for users. Here in Spain, there is a law they passed requiring any company that does business in the country to provide a phone number for customer support.

Why is this not being done in the United States?

Please share this article with everyone you know. In fact, please share it on Facebook!

We don’t have to be treated this way by Mark Zuckerberg.

It’s actually inhumane to run a company this way, with so little regard for the humans who use the service.

Demand that Facebook treat people better!

Sign the petition, share it today.

Help Prof get his family memories back.

Thank you! And of course, if anyone knows anyone at Facebook who can help, please contact me. Prof means a lot to me. He was the person who gave me the confidence to pursue writing as a career. I want to help him, and others like him who have suffered because of Mr. Mark Zuckerberg, who has to be the most arrogant person who ever lived.

Facebook needs to be schooled, punished and made to behave more decently.

Sure, we don’t have to use Facebook or Instagram. But what if we already have all these memories on there? Shouldn’t they by law be compelled to give us our memories back?

I ask you, Mark Zuckerberg. Have you no decency sir? Have you no sense of decency?



Christine Stevens
The Haven

Funny lady, writer of satire and sex, proud Californian. Like me? You can buy me a coffee here: https://buymeacoffee.com/xtinesteveO. Cheers!