Facing Multiple Felonies-Boebert’s Son Tells Judge Lawyers Too Expensive

Gee, who could’ve possibly seen that coming?

Johnny Robish
The Haven


Source: Twitter “X” Screen Grab

Westwood News reports that Tyler Boebert, the 19-year-old oldest son of Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, appeared without any family present before a judge in Garfield County courtroom on Thursday saying he is having difficulty retaining counsel because he can’t afford their rates. Boebert and a number of underage accomplices face fourteen counts, including felony identity theft for a series of car break-ins and robberies in the town of Rifle, including stealing the last $75 from a woman with a brain tumor who said that $75 was “all she had left to her name.”

Well, gee whiz, it appears the Boebert family is making the Sarah Palin clan look like rank amateurs on the “Wackadoodle Scale.” No wonder Congresswoman Boebert is able to so accurately pinpoint “what’s so wrong with America.” Why, she uses her own family as an example. Ironically, Tyler’s father Jayson Boebert, will also be appearing in a courtroom soon to answer to charges over an altercation he was in. Too bad its not the same courtroom! Hell, they could have carpooled together and saved gas. Of course, while all this is going on, Tyler’s Republican mom, Lauren, has been busy running political ads portraying her as “mother of the year.” Well, at least she’s…



Johnny Robish
The Haven

Johnny Robish is an actor, comedian, and humor writer who is considered one of America’s most trusted sources for complete nonsense.