Fan Fiction by someone who has never seen: The Walking Dead

Johnathan Foster
The Haven
Published in
3 min readApr 16, 2018
internet image of the Walking Dead

Ok, I think I watched the first 12 minutes of the first episode when the show debuted but it was on accident and then dinner was ready so I turned off the TV. I remember that there was a graphic novel and that zombies or sick people were featured throughout the series, but I don’t know much else.

So, I thought I should write my own fanfiction for The Walking Dead and hope that true fans will get where I’m coming from.

We open on a police officer in the middle of a cornfield

The police officer, Jack, takes out a rifle and aims at a zombie. The zombie turns and starts to run, well, kind of a shuffle walk, and the guy who plays The Punisher kisses Jack’s wife. “How could you?” Jack cries. His face is dirty and has cuts on it. Then everyone starts to hit the zombie with pipes and there is a lot of blood.

All of the sudden there are 100 zombies surrounding a truck. “We’ve got to save them,” Jack says. “But there’s no time!” The Punisher says. He turns to see some of his friends getting eaten by zombies. There is a lot of blood and gross intestines.

A lady with a samurai sword shows up. There is also a guy with a crossbow who is very dirty. His name is Derrick or something. Derrick starts drinking beer and burping but he looks cool so no one cares. He shoots a zombie in the throat and there is a lot of blood. “Let’s do this,” Derrick says. Jack shoots a zombie and there is a lot of blood.

Two months later, the guy who played Bruce Wayne’s father one time controls a prison. “This is my prison now,” he says, “We will defeat the zombies and rule something!” By this time, a bunch of characters have died and there are so many zombies it’s crazy.

“We will stop you,” Jack says. The crossbow guy is there and also maybe Forest Whittaker? Bruce Wayne’s dad has a bat with nails and chains on it. He starts killing people and puts on a leather jacket. “You can’t come into my town and fix our problems. I’m gonna kill the zombies and rule everything,” he growls.

All of the sudden, zombies start attacking the prison! Derrick says, “We’ve got to work together!” A bunch of people die. There is a lot of blood and Bruce Wayne’s dad hits zombies with his bat of nails.

Jack starts to cry because his wife or kid died and there was a lot of blood. “I’ll get you zombie scum!” he screams into the night air. Bruce Wayne’s dad ties him to a chair and hits him with the bat. “Tell me what you know,” he yells at Jack, but Jack doesn’t know anything. He has a secret.

Derrick sits on a burned out car and drinks some whiskey. “This has gone on too long,” he laments. “When will this all end? Who even cares anymore?” He remembers all of the friends he’s lost to the zombies and tries to cry, but he’s too tough and his tears turn into arrows for his crossbow.

Suddenly more zombies show up and start eating a guy’s intestines. There is so much blood. “Nooooo!” a lady and old man scream. Derrick and Jack pat each other on the back. “It’s been a good run,” they smile. They think it’s all over but then they use some intestines to swing through an opening in a barn and the zombies get confused and leave.

Then, Bruce Wayne’s dad has a bomb attached to his nail bat and he throws it at the zombie fort which is at Zombie HQ. The government built it for the zombies and lost control or something. The bomb goes off and there is a lot of blood. “Intestines,” Regan says (that’s the name of Bruce Wayne’s dad)

“At least we have our health,” Derrick says. He and Jack and some people who haven’t been killed off yet because we need to have time to be emotionally invested in their story arcs laugh in unison as more zombies head their way.

We hear shots and screams and there is a lot of blood.

