Feminism Feminism (Direct Action)

The Haven
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2023
poster for the 1938 film Sailing Along
Photo: Gaumont-British Picture Corporation. Sailing into sexist waters?

Many feminists seek to achieve their goals through direct action. So a feminist might end up saying to a sexist, “How about, you, get back in the kitchen, and direct action your own dinner,” thus illustrating the need for feminism.

What is direct action?

“Nonviolent direct action may include sit-ins, strikes, and counter-economics. Violent direct action may include political violence, assault, arson, sabotage, and property destruction.” — Wikipedia

However, are there alternatives to action that is direct?

Luckily for me a very wise person once said, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that everything is shit easy to understand when reduced to multiple choice with no wrong answers.”

There is a scene in the film Sailing Along that perfectly illustrates this tried and tested theory. By the way Sailing Along is a 1938 British musical comedy film written and directed by Sonnie Hale and starring Jessie Matthews, Barry MacKay, Roland Young and Athene Seyler.

The scenario: Victoria Gulliver (Seyler) inadvertently auditions for the show starring Kay Martin (Matthews) that is being financed by her brother Anthony Gulliver (Young).

Incidentally, the scene does not feature Jessie Matthews. This is a shame, as Jessie Matthews could be the love child of Olivier Coleman and Liza Minnelli (see later).


The Question: Instead of slapping the shows director, what could Victoria Gulliver have done?

The Answers:

(A). Throw it back at him.”

“You show us, your legs!”

(B). Gang up on him.”

Start an online petition.

(C). Snitch on him.”

Report him to a superior.

(D). Social media him.”

Start a hashtag.

(E). “9 to 5 him”

“Well I say we hire a couple of wranglers to beat the shit out of him.”


1st Person: What’s your favourite musical?

Me: “Just throw y’hands in the air, an’ wave ’em like you just don’t care.”


Jessie Matthews could be the love child of Olivier Coleman and Liza Minnelli:

See, told you so.




The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.