Feminism Feminism (Fighting Talk)

The Haven
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2023
poster for the 1982 film Yes, Madam
Photo: D & B Films. Sisters are doing it for themselves.

Feminists fight for equality. So a feminist might end up saying to a sexist, “And no, all feminists aren’t battle-axes,” thus illustrating the need for feminism.

However, what does ‘fight’ mean?

According to Oxford Languages:


1. take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.

“the men (mmm, slightly sexist) were fighting”

2. struggle to overcome, eliminate, or prevent.

“a churchman (kinda, sexist) who has dedicated his life to fighting racism”

So, feminists fight for equality, but can they fight fight?

Luckily for me a very wise person once said, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that everything is shit easy to understand when reduced to multiple choice with no wrong answers.”

There is a scene in the film,Yes, Madam that perfectly illustrates this tried and tested theory. By the way, Yes, Madam is a 1982 Hong Kong film starring Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock. Two unlucky thieves break into a just murdered man’s hotel room and steal his passport with a hidden microfilm wanted by a Triad boss. Two hard kicking women cops from HK (Hong Kong) and UK (you get the idea) get the case.

The scenario: A fight breaks out.

The Question: Why did the fight break out?

The answers:

(A). Unprofessional Conduct

One of the men tried to chat up one of the women’s boyfriends.

(B). Property Was Damaged

One of the men spilled one of the women’s pints.

(C). Belligerent Behaviour

One of the women caught one of the men staring at her so she said, “Whatchoo looking at?!?”

(D). A Social Convention Was Undermined

One of the men pushed in at the bar.

(E). Competency Was Challenged

One of the men said, “I bet yous two fight like girls.”


1st Person: What’s your favourite Hong Kong film?

Me: Arr, Phooey.




The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.