Feminism, Feminism (Football Fever)

The Haven
Published in
4 min readDec 19, 2022
Fifa World Cup Qatar 2022 logo
Image: FIFA. Football, a game played by boys and girls, and men and women, sometimes together, but professionally they grow out of that.

Football is a serious game. However sexist Youtubers upload looped footage of female footballers taking off their tops in celebration, bending over (to pick up footballs), and call these Women’s Football compilations, ‘Comedy Moments,’ thus illustrating the need for feminism.

Meanwhile the men’s international tournament and apparently the world’s most popular sporting event, the FIFA World Cup, has finished. Once again the football was enriched by the presence of female fans. Well, there does seem to be less fighting so that’s obviously a good thing innit.

Aggression on the pitch isn’t included though, as this is often referred to as “handbags at dawn” and “behaving like a bunch of girls.”

However, do women fans fan differently to male fans? If they do, how would we find out?

Luckily for us a very wise person once said, “It is a truth universally acknowledged that everything is shit easy to understand when reduced to multiple choice with no wrong answers.”

There was an incident during the (false) nail biter of a game between Netherlands and Argentina. The sky blue and whites were 2–1 up during added time when the Netherlands scored a shock equaliser, which sent the game in to extra time. By the way ‘sky blue and whites’ is the nickname for Argentina.

The scenario: The (sexist) camera person, always on the look out for ‘pretty ladies,’ went looking for reactions from Argentinian fans and chanced upon two women, well, reacting.

The Question: How could these women so quickly go from despair to delight, just by looking up at the stadium screen and seeing themselves?

photo of two sad female Argentinian fans
Photo: BBC
photo of two now happy female Argentinian fans
Photo: (still) BBC

(A). Family Reunion

The two women were separated from their sisters when they entered the stadium. They looked up at the screen and thought they’d found them.

(B). Football Rules Epiphany

The two women looked up at the screen and suddenly simultaneously together figured out the Offside Rule.

(C ). Competition Win

The two women had a basic knowledge of the region and of tournament entertainment. They looked up at the screen and remembered hearing, “women can win a car.” In fact what was actually said was, “women can drive a car.”

(D). Refereeing Decisions Epiphany

The two women looked up at the screen and suddenly simultaneously together remembered that literally every single goal scored goes to VAR (Video Assistant Referee) and is usually chalked off.

(E). Female Mad Skills

Women can multitask.


1st Person: What’s your favourite football goal?

Me: Equal pay for men and women.


Special thanks to my girlfriend Hen.






The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.