Fight Mode for Medium

David Caracciolo
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2018
Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

You’ve heard of Night Mode… now, get ready for Fight Mode! The new feature will have users seeing red.

“Literally, they’ll be seeing red.”

Says Medium programmer, Ian Reid, as he explains the new option. “Night Mode makes the screen go black. Fight Mode will turn the screen bright red!”

“We find the colour more rage-inducing.”

Adds Medium developer, Ivan Wright. “Our users are always looking for new ways to engage, we feel the best way to do this is by combat.”

Photo by CloudVisual on Unsplash

I. Reid and I. Wright give us a Fight Mode demonstration…

“By pressing this toggle, Claps turn to Slaps, Responses become Rants and Following becomes Trolling.”

Reid gives Wright an online Slap for the audience.

“It’s very exciting.”

Wright returns fire by leaving a witty comment under Rants


The crowd goes wild…

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

Wright continues…

“You may’ve noticed that all the text is uppercase. This is by design. While in Fight Mode, all text will remain Caps Locked!”

More cheers from the crowd.

“It’s still early in the development but we’re hoping to get some negative feedback soon.”

The pair leave the stage. Just then, a reporter stops them…

“How do you respond to allegations you’ve just copied the Twitter model?”

Reid and Wright look at each other and respond in unison…

“Let the Flame War begin!”

Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash

Thanks for reading. Leave your Rants below…



David Caracciolo
The Haven

I like big PUNS and I can not lie. You other writers can't deny