Member-only story

Finding The Cerebral G-Spot.

Who knew our voices could work better than our fingers.

Robert Cormack
The Haven


“Ride me like a carnival pony” Reddit response on Talking Dirty.

“Don’t people talk anymore when they’re naked?” Audrey Bath, asked on Reddit, which must have sent up a Bat Signal to relentless daters everywhere. Relentless daters never ask this question. They figure everyone talks when they’re naked.

Those who don’t are usually married. Married people don’t engage in a lot of naked talk. They might mention a mole that needs looking at. Or urban planning. Married people discuss urban planning more than you’d think.

This is a shame, since urban planning is boring, and talking while you’re naked (hopefully with someone else) is very healthy. Experts claim this is because we’re all wired to a cerebral g-spot. We can’t actually touch it, so words do it for us.

The cerebral g-spot works pretty much like any g-spot. Hit the right note and it’ll send hormones flying all over the place.

They don’t want things flying all over the place — especially hormones or whatever hormones do.

Maybe that’s why married people don’t talk during sex. They don’t want things flying all over the place — especially…



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