Fox Fux Fax

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Haven
Published in
1 min readNov 6, 2018

Who pays so the wealthy get cuts in their tax?
Don’t worry “who” just watch how Fox Fux Fax.

Pay no heed, indeed, if justice falls through cracks,
We are winning so well, no need to bother with facts

America first! We’ll fake whatever she lacks
We are MAGA great, because Fox Fux Fax.

Pre-existing conditions, healthcare to the max?
Yes! Of course, you’ll have it, because Fox Fux Fax.

Too many guns, killing women, or Jews? Killing Blacks!?
Of course not, buy more guns, because Fox Fux Fax.

What about migrants, their invasions, their attacks!
We’ll line soldiers at the border, so don’t worry, relax.

And what about fascism? We don’t want its climax …
Nazis are on both sides, because, after all, Fox Fux Fax

In the next housing bubble, do we all move into shacks?
Don’t think about it at all, because Fox Fux Fax.

Phew. That’s reassuring, no need for steel in our backs,
We can simply ignore all that’s awful because Fox Fux Fax.



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
The Haven

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.