From Pinnacles to Potties

ChatGPT can help you review anything

Allen R Smith
The Haven


I don’t write reviews. Especially about mundane things like shampoo, toothpaste, and dental floss. But when I received an email from Walmart, ChatGPT dared me, “I’ll bet you can’t write a short prompt to evaluate anything. Good or bad.” So, I did.

In an age where technology seems to be reshaping every aspect of our lives, writers, reviewers, and others who craft words for a living are finding how indispensable tools like ChatGPT are in revolutionizing the way we approach our work. From drafting initial ideas to generating catchy phrases and titles, these tools offer unparalleled support, efficiency, and creativity for people who spend their day writing.

In this collection of short reviews, I’ll show you how easy it is to write a simple ChatGPT script to review almost anything, from major films to “new” hygiene products. You can even decide to give them a “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” by adjusting the tone of your writing. Here we go…

New Films Coming to a Theater Near You

Mount Everest: The Musical

Why on Earth (or should I say, why at its highest point) would anyone think to mash together the harrowing adventure of scaling Mount Everest with the razzle-dazzle of Broadway musical numbers? Well, “Mount Everest: The Musical” not only thinks it, but it belts it out from the highest peaks in full vibrato, and I’m here to shout from my modest, sea-level perch that it’s a stroke of genius!

Imagine, if you will, climbers grappling with the icy façade of the world’s most unforgiving mountain, their every step dancing into danger, and then — bam! — they break into song. It’s as if the hills of “The Sound of Music” were suddenly jettisoned to 29,029 feet, where the oxygen is scarce but evidently, the musical talent is not. This film takes the phrase “breaking into song” to a literal level, as characters face not just the physical climb but the emotional ascent as well, all while delivering powerhouse ballads and toe-tapping ensemble numbers that could give “La La Land” a run for its money.

But “Mount Everest: The Musical” is more than its high-concept premise. At its heart, this film is a tribute to the human spirit, resilience, and the sheer lunacy of combining two entirely unrelated worlds into one cinematic experience. The personal stories of each climber are interwoven with such skill that you find yourself emotionally invested in their journey, rooting for them to reach the summit and hit those high notes, often at the same time.

The majesty of nature is a character in its own right, with sweeping panoramic shots that make you feel the chill and the thrill of the climb. The special effects are subtle yet effective, creating a believable Everest experience without overshadowing the human drama and musical numbers.

Now, let’s talk about those songs. They range from the inspirational to the whimsical, capturing the myriad of emotions connected with embarking on such a perilous journey. There’s a ballad for the moment of doubt, a jazzy number for the camaraderie among climbers, and of course, a soaring anthem as they reach the summit. Here are just a few of the Academy Award-nominated tunes from the movie’s soundtrack:

· “Sherpa-Di-Doo-Dah”

· “Blizzard Blitz Boogie”

· “Frostbite Fandango”

· “Crampon Shuffle”

· “Avalanche Alley Rag”

· “High Altitude Hoedown”

· “Climbing in a Winter Wonderland”

· “Misty Mountain Mambo”

· “Ode to the Outhouse”

The accompanying choreography cleverly uses the mountainous terrain, making each performance feel like an integral part of the adventure rather than a jarring interruption.

“Mount Everest: The Musical” is an audacious experiment that pays off spectacularly, proving once again that the world of film is as boundless as the imagination. It’s a testament to the creative spirit, blending genres with a deftness that is as breathtaking as the mountain it celebrates. Whether you’re a fan of adventure, a lover of musicals, or just in it for the novelty, this film is a peak experience. Bravo to the filmmakers for daring to dream this wildly original vision into reality, and for reminding us that sometimes, the most unexpected combinations can yield the most delightful results.

Saving Private Ryan’s Privates

This rollicking ride through 1940s medicine is a hoot and a half! It’s like someone threw a dart at a board of genres and hit every single one. You’ve got WWII drama, medical shenanigans, and side-splitting comedy that’ll have you snorting your evening tea out through your nose.

Our hero, a hapless soldier, faces what I can only describe as a most peculiar injury. It’s the kind of thing that makes you cross your legs and wince, but then you’re laughing because, well, it’s just ridiculous. The journey to recovery? It’s a patchwork of hilariously outdated medical practices that’ll make you thank your lucky stars for modern medicine. Bloodletting and leech therapy? Check. Pre-frontal Lobotomies? Double-check.

The brilliance of this film lies in its unabashed embrace of the absurd. It’s like the creators knew they had a ludicrous idea and just ran with it, Forrest Gump style. The actors deliver their lines with deadly serious faces, which only adds to the hilarity. It’s comedy gold!

The attention to period detail is impeccable. You feel like you’re right there in the 1940s, except you’re in on the joke. The costumes, the sets, the lingo — it’s like a time machine with a sense of humor.

“Saving Private Ryan’s Privates” isn’t just a film; it’s a cultural phenomenon waiting to happen. It’s a blend of history, medicine, and comedy that’s as rare as a unicorn in a field of horses. So, grab your popcorn, folks. This is one medical drama that’s sure to have you in stitches — the laughing kind, of course!

Here’s a brief list of more coming attractions. Keep a lookout for:

Pirates of Silicon Valley, The Sound of Muzak, Titanic 2: The Iceberg’s Revenge, Schindler’s Pissed, Gone with the WiFi, Apocalypse Pretty Soon, A Streetcar Named Retire, and Full Metal Racket.

New Reality TV Shows to Watch Out For

Extreme Gas Station Bathroom Makeover

How often have you found yourself pumping gas, thinking, “What this place really needs is a gentleman’s lounge and a snifter of cognac”? Apparently, the creative geniuses at our beloved studios think it’s a frequent occurrence.

The premise of “Extreme Gas Station Bathroom Makeover” is as absurd as finding caviar in a can of tuna. Contestants are tasked with transforming these tiny havens of highway horror into something akin to a gentlemen’s club crossed with an AutoZone store. Imagine, if you will, the visual cacophony of Victorian antiques meeting the lingering scent of gasoline and motor oil.

Let’s dive into the specifics. First, the idea of sipping a 30-year-old Scotch while the person next door is refilling their tank is, to put it mildly, novel. I can’t help but wonder about the practicalities. Are there coasters for your crystal glass when the inevitable trucker barges in, bewildered by his newfound surroundings?

And the fireplace! Ah, yes, nothing says safety like an open flame in a room surrounded by flammable substances. It’s like watching a fire juggler in a dynamite factory — thrilling but perhaps not the brightest idea.

The show’s aesthetic appeal, while undoubtedly striking, clashes spectacularly with its setting. It’s akin to putting a tuxedo on a kangaroo — sure, it’s fancy, but does it really belong? This juxtaposition of elegance with the mundane and slightly grimy world of gas stations is a visual paradox that leaves you questioning not only the design choices but the very fabric of reality.

While “Extreme Gas Station Bathroom Makeover” might be a spectacle for the eyes, it’s a conundrum for the mind. It’s like watching a peacock strut through a junkyard — magnificent, yet utterly out of place. The show is a testament to the adage that just because you can, doesn’t mean you should. But, for those who enjoy a dash of absurdity with their reality TV, it might just be the guilty pleasure you never knew you needed.

Sky-High Renovations

Ever found yourself wedged in a middle seat on a cross-country jaunt, elbows tucked in like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, fantasizing about a mid-flight makeover that could turn your sardine can into a spacious sky lounge? Well, hold onto your tray tables, folks, because “Sky-High Renovations” is swooping in to grant those pie-in-the-sky wishes, with a twist that could only be concocted in the madcap world of reality TV. Contestants, presumably with a knack for both altitude and attitude, dive headfirst into the challenge of revamping the weary interiors of commercial airplanes, all while cruising at 35,000 feet. It’s a concept so outlandish, it makes you wonder if the pitch meeting was held at a cruising altitude, too.

Each episode, a different airline throws down the gauntlet, offering up one of their flying buses for a high-flying flip. The prize? The winning design doesn’t just score bragging rights; it takes to the skies on an actual flight route, turning the victor’s vision into a reality for unsuspecting passengers. One can only imagine the in-flight announcement: “Ladies and gentlemen, if you look to your left, you’ll see the Grand Canyon, and if you look to your right, you’ll see a contestant applying the finishing touches to a mosaic backsplash.”

But let’s cut through the cabin pressure and get down to brass tacks. The concept is as daring as it is daft. Renovating a home under a time crunch is one thing, but doing it in a metal tube hurtling through the stratosphere adds a whole new layer of turbulence. Imagine trying to lay carpet while navigating air pockets or hanging wallpaper as the plane banks left for its final approach. And let’s not even start on the logistics of plumbing in a zero-gravity loo.

Yet, beneath the veneer of reality TV absurdity, “Sky-High Renovations” taps into something more profound. It’s not just about the spectacle or the novelty of airborne DIY. It’s a testament to human creativity and the lengths we’ll go to inject beauty and comfort into even the most unconventional of spaces. Sure, it’s easy to scoff at the idea of a mid-air makeover show, but in a world where the ground beneath our feet seems increasingly uncertain, perhaps there’s something to be said for seeking solace in the clouds.

In the end, “Sky-High Renovations” is a flight of fancy that’s equal parts ludicrous and lovable. It might not change the way we think about air travel, but it certainly adds a new layer of entertainment to the inflight experience. So, fasten your seatbelts, stow your skepticism, and prepare for takeoff on what promises to be an unforgettable ride through the wild blue yonder of interior design. Whether it crashes and burns or soars to new heights, one thing’s for sure: it’ll be a hoot to watch.

And be sure to catch all of these other new shows:

Cooking for Robots, Extreme Babysitting Adventures, Diapers and Dilemmas, and Cooking Out of Your Trunk.

New Masculine Hygiene Products

Bacon & Mint Mouthwash

Bacon & Mint Mouthwash — the morning wake-up call your mouth never knew it needed! The tantalizing aroma of sizzling bacon intermingled with the cool, crisp embrace of mint. It’s like waking up to a breakfast buffet in your mouth, minus the calories and the need for a frying pan.

The hygienic benefits are nothing to scoff at. This concoction doesn’t just tickle your taste buds; it’s a heavyweight champion in the ring of oral hygiene. It packs a punch against plaque, karate-chops bad breath, and leaves your teeth gleaming like the golden strips of bacon it emulates.

Combining bacon and mint is like dancing the tango with your taste buds — it’s unexpected, a tad audacious, but oh-so exhilarating. Each swish brings a burst of smoky, meaty goodness, swiftly followed by a minty breeze that leaves your mouth feeling as fresh as a room full of wet dogs. Now, some naysayers might say, “Bacon in my mouthwash? Hogwash!” But to them, I say, embrace the absurdity! Life’s too short for minty monotony. This mouthwash doesn’t just cleanse; it entertains. It’s a carnival for your mouth, a toothsome tale of flavor and freshness, a morning ritual that turns the mundane into the magnificent.

Bacon & Mint Mouthwash isn’t just a product; it’s a protagonist in the story of your daily routine. It’s a bold move for the brave, a taste of adventure for the daring. So, swish and spit, my friends, and embark on a flavor journey that’s as whimsical as it is wonderful. After all, who says oral hygiene can’t be a hoot and a half?

Eucalyptus & Soy Sauce Cologne

Why, would anyone think to blend the invigorating scent of eucalyptus with the umami bomb that is soy sauce? Then, bottle it as a cologne? This, my friends, is the question that keeps me awake at night, tossing and turning in a bed that, thankfully, doesn’t smell like a stir-fry gone rogue.

Eucalyptus & Soy Sauce Cologne. The very name conjures images of a culinary experiment gone terribly wrong. I can’t help but wonder if it was the result of a late-night, booze-fueled brainstorming session gone awry. “Let’s capture the essence of a sushi restaurant,” they said, “but make it forest-y!” And thus, a fragrance was born that leaves one smelling like they’ve been marinating in a blend of chef’s specials.

Upon first whiff, you’re hit with the sharp, medicinal notes of eucalyptus. You conjure up feeling more like a koala’s dinner than a refreshed human being. Just as you’re about to enjoy the refreshing coolness, the soy sauce kicks in. Its salty, fermented richness envelops you in an embrace that says, “Yes, I spilled an entire bottle of Kikkoman on myself. Come a little bit closer.”

The combination, while certainly unique, evokes a sense of confusion. Should I dine, or should I bathe? Am I attending a barbecue or a therapy session infused with eucalyptus steam? The scent walks a fine line between culinary innovation and a botched attempt at aromatherapy.

In its defense, the cologne does achieve what few can claim: it is memorable. Indeed, one cannot easily forget their nostrils being assaulted by the aroma equivalent of a global identity crisis. It’s as if the cologne is having an existential quandary, torn between the kitchen and the great outdoors, desperately seeking its place in a world filled with more conventional fragrances.

And yet, despite its olfactory challenges, Eucalyptus & Soy Sauce Cologne offers a lesson in boldness. It dares to ask, “What if?” What if we didn’t limit ourselves to the floral, the citrus, the woodsy? What if we ventured into the uncharted territories of the scent world, armed with nothing but a bottle of soy sauce and a eucalyptus leaf? It’s a question worth pondering, if only for the sheer audacity it represents.

While I may not recommend dousing oneself in Eucalyptus & Soy Sauce Cologne before a first date, I do commend its creators for their fearless foray into the avant-garde of fragrance. It’s a bold move, a statement piece, a conversation starter. It says, “I am here, I smell like dinner, and I am unapologetically me.” And isn’t that, after all, what fragrance is all about?

New Feminine Hygiene Products

Cactus Silk Period Panties

Who among us hasn’t yearned for the day when our undergarments could prick us with the subtle reminder of the arid, unforgiving desert? Enter the Cactus Silk Period Panties, a concoction that sounds more like a botched science experiment than a leap into menstrual product innovation.

The notion of combining the luxurious feel of silk with the rugged resilience of cactus fibers suggests a level of optimism only matched by those attempting to domesticate porcupines.

Their marketing spiel lauds these panties for their blend of luxury and sustainability, a claim as smooth as silk but potentially as comfortable as sitting on a saguaro. Indeed, what screams ‘sustainability’ louder than wearing the desert’s bounty as close to one’s private parts as possible? It’s as if someone said, “You know what the world needs? More ways to make personal hygiene an exercise in environmental consciousness.”

But let’s not skirt around the main feature — these are period panties. Designed to offer protection and comfort during “that time of the month,” they present a bizarre juxtaposition. On one hand, the silk promises a caress as soft as a lover’s touch; on the other, the cactus fiber suggests a readiness to engage in a duel should any leakage dare to breach its defenses.

In an era where the quest for eco-friendly products often takes us down paths less traveled (and, evidently, less rational), the Cactus Silk Period Panties stand as a monument to human ingenuity — or our collective madness. Are they the next step in menstrual care, or merely a stopgap until we decide that wearing undergarments made of bamboo shoots is the way forward?

While the attempt to marry luxury with practicality is commendable, I can’t help but feel that this product might be better suited as a conversation starter rather than a staple in one’s lingerie drawer. After all, when it comes to period protection, perhaps the only thing we should be sticking close to is sanity, not cacti.

LED Light Show Tampon Applicators

Who would have thought that the final frontier of tech innovation would boldly glow where no product has glowed before? I’m talking about the latest rave in the realm of personal hygiene: LED Light Show Tampon Applicators. It’s as if NASA decided to throw a disco party with the same materials they used for the moon landings, and Studio 54 was resurrected in the most unexpected of places — the bathroom cabinet.

Crafted from the same high-tech polymers that have weathered the vacuum of space and the scorching surface of Uranus, these applicators promise durability that’s out of this world. And the lighting? Imagine the pulsating floors and mirrored disco balls, miniaturized into something you can hold in your hand. This isn’t just about functionality; it’s about making a routine task feel like a celebration.

The genius behind this product has taken a mundane moment and infused it with a burst of color and light, turning it into your own mini-festival. It’s as if each use whispers, “Yes, you’re taking care of business, but why not dance a little while you’re at it?” The LED light show is customizable using a patented smartphone app, offering an array of patterns and colors that could rival the dance floor at Studio 54. From soothing blues and greens to energizing reds and yellows, there’s a palette for every mood and preference.

In a world that often takes itself too seriously, the LED Light Show Tampon Applicator is a burst of light into the routine. It’s emblematic of how technology, humor, and a touch of disco sparkle can make even the most private of moments feel a little more dazzling.

To the creators of this glowing marvel, I tip my hat. You’ve managed to marry the materials of space exploration with the flamboyance of disco tech, creating not just a product but an indescribable experience. It’s a vibrant reminder that life, in all its facets, deserves a little more color and a lot more laughter.

And coming this fall, I’ll be reviewing these exciting new hygiene products:

Glacier Coffee Beard Shampoo, Cactus & Leather Hair Gel, Charcoal & Bubblegum Face Wash, Whiskey & Rose Petal Aftershave, Volcanic Ash & Cotton Candy Body Scrub, Sandalwood & Pickle Deodorant, Lobster Claw Foot Cream, and Mustard Seed Scalp Tonic.

As we wrap up this whirlwind tour through the imaginative and humorous realms of upcoming films, reality TV shows, and innovative hygiene products, one thing becomes abundantly clear: how indispensable the role of new technology is in the creative process.

For writers, reviewers, and word-crafters of all stripes, tools like ChatGPT, and their accompanying GPTs are not mere conveniences but essential companions. They aid in research, inspire new ideas, and provide a sounding board for the myriad of voices that writers seek to emulate.

ChatGPT stands as a testament to the synergy between human creativity and technological innovation, a partnership that promises to keep pushing the boundaries of how we express, entertain, and engage with our audience.

And, we’re just getting started.



Allen R Smith
The Haven

Allen Smith is an award-winning writer living in Oceanside, California and has published thousands of articles for print, the web and social media.