Furry Brown Nuts

Not what you think

Alex Godley
The Haven


It wasn’t the first time
That Sarah had to climb

The leaning coconut palm
To make some cooling electrolyte balm

For her red hot sunburn
Because she never did learn

Not to fall asleep in the sun
After a cocktail and too much fun

But as she reached the three ripe nuts
She dislodged them with three swift cuts

And as they thumped onto the warm sand
They were quickly snatched up by nimble hands

Three little laughing monkeys stole the prize
And their cheekiness they did not disguise

Sarah was beyond disbelief
As she scolded each coconut thief

But one monkey returned to give back its loot
Which made Sarah smile and share

Her furry brown nut


Note: A coconut is actually a type of fruit, not a nut.

© Alex Godley | July 2021

Alex is a writer, editor and narrative designer based in Australia.

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Alex Godley
The Haven

I’m a humble bard who likes to play with words and create new worlds. I also like chocolate. And cake.