Getting High on Grammarly

It’s the pick me up I didn’t even know I needed

Betsy Denson
The Haven


Recently, I was feeling a bit beat down with my writing. Work felt like a grind rather than a pleasure. But then I opened my e-mail and low and behold I got a hit of pure joy. Happiness, thy name is Grammarly.

I signed up for the free version when the 1,000th person on Medium told me I should, and it’s been lurking in the background ever since, cleaning up my sentences and telling me to put commas where I don’t think I should put commas. But I do anyway because I want that ‘Way to Go’ from my robot editor.

And the reward came in my first atta girl e-mail. OK, it may be my sixth but this time I paid attention. Much like my Fitbit and Duolingo feedback, and like every video game my kids have ever played, this e-mail was full of Crack Carrots.

However, since I am a sporadic exerciser and a language loser, those carrots are pretty bitter. But e-mails, man do I write a lot of e-mails. And other stuff.

Grammarly noticed and told me that I had an Epic week. Not good. Not great. But Epic.

I am on a hot streak!



Betsy Denson
The Haven

Always looking for the interesting. Incurably curious. Write a new book in my head once a month. Hopefully one will cross the finish line before I'm 80.