Getting Outside

Wednesday in the park with Jessica and Michael

Spyder Darling
The Haven


Photo by Aaron Birch on Unsplash

It had been a Hell of a year and a half for Jessica and Michael. Just after the calendar had turned a new page and the confetti, party hats and 2020 novelty glasses had been swept from Times Square, life began to get very weird for the newlyweds.

Jessica and Michael had made the big move to “the city” from their childhood through college homes in Smithtown, Long Island the previous summer. They both had landed the dream jobs of their lives thus far. Jessica was starting out as an assistant editor at Bigelow Books and Michael was beginning his career in the investment world as a junior banker at The Founders Group.

For living space they’d lucked out and landed a quaint one bedroom apartment in the West Village. Quaint as in the bathtub was in the kitchen, the bathroom door didn’t exactly close and the bedroom was just big enough for the queen sized bed they’d managed to drag up four flights of stairs. Neither one cared about the cramped quarters. They’d both be putting in long hours and who cares how big the bedroom is when the lights are out?

And so life was pretty dang good for the first six months.

Okay work took up more time than either thought it would and often would mean texting after hours while the TV mounted on the exposed brick…



Spyder Darling
The Haven

Born in upstate New York, raised on Long Island, been some places, done some things, currently living in New York City. You got a problem with that?