Girl Angels Got The Short End of the Celestial Straw

Members of the original Boy’s Club were super gender snobs

kathryn donahue
The Haven


Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash

Dudes sucking up all the glory is an age-old story, but in this case, we’re talking Old Testament old.

Females in ancient texts were either paragons’ of virtue, or they used provocative dance moves to get someone beheaded; they double-crossed their lover by cutting off the hair that gave him strength; they disobeyed male orders and were ousted out of paradise or turned into a pillar of salt; and if too old to bear children, they offered their young maid to their similarly withered husband to bed.

Female angels fared no better. Take a look at my Christmas card this year.

Noel, 1893 by Eugene Grasset, in Public Domain

Doing dishes, peeling potatoes, stirring the pot — these long-suffering angels are miserable. Especially this sad creature turning the spit!

A portion of Noel, 1893 by Eugene Grasset,

Clearly, she’s thinking, “How did I end up doing menial domestic chores in a muumuu, while my angel brothers smite…



kathryn donahue
The Haven

Author of THE DOG WALKER’S DIARY who continues to stop every canine she meets for more story ideas.