The cover page delivered to the Judiciary Committee before today’s contempt vote against AG Barr.

Global Gag Order Issued

Drumpf claims executive privilege for Mu… make that his life

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
3 min readMay 8, 2019


Acting quickly to get ahead of the news cycle after the release of his tax returns, Drumpf launched the day by declaring the entire Muller Report falls under executive privilege. “You don’t get shit, Jerry,” he said into a reporter’s microphone before locking reporters from his favorite public display, the on-camera ass kissing required of every member of his cabinet.

The strategy worked and the media shifted gears back to the Judiciary Committee proceedings.

“You don’t get shit, Jerry,” Drumpf said into a reporter’s microphone before locking reporters from his favorite public display, the on-camera ass kissing required of every member of his cabinet.

To seal Drumpf’s decision, the White House delivered the cover page of the Muller Report that bears the “executive privilege” stamp, and the brief note, “Eat shit, Fatty Naddy” (a reference to the Judiciary chairman’s weight before bypass surgery).

A few minutes after locking the cabinet meeting to reporters, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters that Drumpf decided to extend executive privilege to…

