Good Morning Crackheads!

Or is it still ‘Good Evening’ for all of you?

Oscar Rhea
The Haven


Good morning big blue sky! You can’t hide from me — even on the other side of all the bars I had to put on my windows to discourage ne’er-do-wells from stealing my 36 inch box TV and my second-hand couch. I used to hate seeing you behind bars, but ever since I decorated my entire apartment in Jailhouse décor, I rather like the grid iron shadows you cast over my face every morning!

Good morning giant stain on the ceiling! Aren’t you looking particularly brown this morning! I do believe those weirdos on the second floor must have finally bathed themselves last night because you’re bigger than ever! And I see you’ve dripped onto my bathmat as well! Life is full of such unexpected gifts!

Good morning neighbor’s pitbull! Boy, those lungs of yours are really working well! Every time I step out of my own front door and you see me in the window you just can’t help but let me know that you wouldn’t hesitate to leap for my jugular in a murderous rage if we ever encountered each other without a 3/32” pane of glass between us! Enjoy the company of your menacing, Russian mafia associated owner!



Oscar Rhea
The Haven

Mother of three. Medal of Honor Recipient. Heart Surgeon at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. Liar.