GOP Congressmen display their testicles which they sacrificed to show their loyalty to Drumpf.

GOP Congressmen Show Balls

They’re snipped and mounted for home display

Phillip T Stephens
The Haven
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2019


The Republican members of Congress officially surrendered their testicles to Drumpf this morning. Presented with their most justifiable opportunity to reign in a President who has rampaged the planet like an F9 tornado, the GOP Caucus publicly admitted they’d agreed to be neutered and presented their testicles to Drumpf as a show of loyalty.

The sole exception was Majority Leader Mitch McConnell who was allowed to keep one testicle in case he needed the testosterone to challenge Democratic resistance in the Senate.

The admission followed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to bar two Democratic members of the House, Ilan Omar and Rashida Talib, from entry into Israel. Netanyahu had previously said they would be admitted, but a Tweet from Drumpf caused him to reverse his position.

Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was allowed to keep one testicle in case he needed the testosterone to challenge Democratic resistance in the Senate.

“Only a weak mommy’s boy would allow two loser immigrant terrorists into his country. He should lock them up at the border and deport them,” Drumpf Tweeted. After Netanyahu announced…

