R.D. Ronstad
The Haven
Published in
Sep 28, 2022

Plays Written by a Roomful of Monkeys with Typewriters

by R. D. Ronstad

Hamlet Goes Bananas

As You Like Bananas

Comedy of Bananas

Merchant of Bananas

Merry Wives of Bananaville

Love’s Bananas Found

Midsummer Night’s Dream of Bananas

Much Ado about Nothing (Except Bananas)

Taming of the Shrew with Bananas

Tempest (featuring Calibanana)

Two Bananas of Verona

Twelfth Banana, or What You Peel




Titus Bananicus


Zippy of Athens

Romeo and Juliet and Bananas

Anthony and Cleopatra and Bananas

Troilus and Cressida and Bananas

King Banana

Banana VIII

Bananas Caesar

All’s Well That Ends Bananas



R.D. Ronstad
The Haven

R.D. Ronstad writes mostly humor pieces and poetry. His work appears at many online sights including Defenestration and Points in Case. He lives in Phoenix, Az.