Having the Concert Experience at Home

Photo by Anthony DELANOIX on Unsplash

Don’t plan for a fun concert at 7PM on a Saturday night. Be realistic.

The concert you want to attend in pre-Covid times always made you think, “Will I be able to stay awake for that?”

9:35PM on a Thursday night.

If you work from home, even better because you’ll still have the experience of working all day, grabbing a quick bite to eat as you get ready and then go drive around the neighborhood pretending you can’t find parking.

After you park, rush into your home and get a drink. Pour the cheapest beer or wine you have into a plastic cup all the way to the rim, where it’s impossible to walk without spilling it.

Turn the lights down low and start the music, but play a different band than the one you miss seeing live.

Pick something obscure, but similar in style. You want to hear a band that has a first song that makes you think, “I like them. I should check out their stuff.” But then play two more songs not as good that makes you question how long their set is.



Ryan Redmond
The Haven

Writing stories in between cups of coffee and glasses of wine.