Heartwarming Human Interest Story

Patricia Grant
The Haven
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017
Mrs. Bates?

Nothing can stop true love, not even death. A Sacramento-area priest saw this in action last week — in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant, of all places.

“I saw something beautiful while on my lunch break today,” Father McKellen wrote on Facebook. “I was eating a burger in my car when I noticed an elderly man in the car next to me. He was hand-feeding French fries to his wife, who was sitting in the passenger seat. It was such a tender display of love.”

When Father McKellen looked closer, he realized it was more than just a tender moment between an elderly couple.

“She was in a pretty advanced state of decay,” McKellen continued. “The stench from her corpse was bad — really bad — but the husband didn’t seem to notice at all. He just kept cramming fries into her mouth. That’s when I understood the depth of this man’s love for his wife. It really touched my heart.”

Father McKellen wasn’t the only one to be touched by the display of love. His Facebook post has received 750 thousand likes and 120 thousand comments so far.

“If this couple can keep the romance in their marriage alive then anyone can. Good for them!” wrote one inspired Facebook user.

“I hope my husband hand-feeds me French fries when I’m a rotting corpse,” commented another Facebook user.

“I had no idea it would get such a positive response, but I’m glad it did,” McKellen wrote in a follow-up post. “It proves that examples of Christ’s love can be found all around us.”

According to local news outlets, Father McKellen is not the first to notice the couple. Multiple other sightings have reported the same elderly man feeding French fries to a corpse in the parking lot of a fast-food restaurant. The first sighting dates back to mid-August, which means that this man has been dragging his corpse bride around the Sacramento-area for months! Now that’s devotion. He must really love his wife — and she must really love French fries!



Patricia Grant
The Haven

Patricia Grant is a writer of short humor and stories. Her work has been featured on fly-by-night websites, such as Vulture, Robot Butt, and Amazon.com.