Help Find The Right Title

Josephat Shikuku
The Haven
Published in
3 min readOct 12, 2020
Photo by Eva Blue on Unsplash

“Always start with the introduction. “

No need to follow this trivial rule from your language teacher.

Excuse me!

You don’t have to read this story from this first paragraph. You can start with the last one.

You can decide to change your school of thought. Not bad!

Uh! Just forget about it.

But one thing I know, The next paragraph starts with suicide.

Suicide- studies show that deaths caused by committing suicide are high amongst the rich.

My question; if wealth would lead you to kill yourself, why not spend ‘that’ money so you become poor? I mean you can fund the government, or..

Why do you have to commit suicide? Why die when you haven’t even tried some entertainment such as; paying to get frightened.

Or you can take part by sponsoring a shadow-boxing competition.

Don’t tell me you do not understand what shadowboxing is! That’s your own problem.

Shadowboxing involves shadows of people that fight, but in the actual sense, the competitors don’t fight. If you allow me, is that a game or a fun sport? I would rather be a contestant than a fan in such….

Some actions, suicide included, are just recklessness, irresponsible and total madness.

Mr. Speaker Sir, I propose a bill.

Let there be a suicidal law. Those who wish to kill themselves. Let them report to the police immediately the urge to commit suicide arises. This will help the court schedule, how and when they would like to kill themselves.

This will give room for a second thought. The lawyers can help find you something closer to suicide in case you change your mind about killing yourself.

What am I even talking about?

How To Avoid Buying “Suicide”

Killing yourself’ should be the last item on your shopping list. To ensure that you forget it during your shopping, don’t include ‘suicide’ on your shopping list.

Or let me put it this way;

Committing suicide is like spiritual, marital despair. An experience you encounter when you’re desperate to know how people find the right ghost community to marry after they die. Nonsense!

Read this summarized story:

There was a certain man, arrested and later jailed after he assaulted and hurt the vendor woman.

Okay, this is the entire story in short. The man wanted to hang himself. He went to the shop to buy a rope. He paid the shopkeeper, apparently; the vendor was sluggish, so she delayed returning the man’s a dollar balance.

The man got angry because he was in a hurry to hang himself up with the rope. So, he hit and offended the vendor.

I either don’t know whether this man later killed himself after his imprisonment or… but…

Hey! Do you even have to ask or wait for your change when you buy a rope to hang and kill yourself? It’s like to wear a T-shirt with the writing ‘I chill from sex’ when you are pregnant.



Josephat Shikuku
The Haven

Shikuku is a freelance writer, EC teacher, a poet, musician... He believes that readers deserve to access the right information.