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Hey Millennials, How About It, Huh?

Don’t play games.

Anthony C. Fireman
The Haven


a pool party with a group of young millennials
Photo by Eric Nopanen on Unsplash

I’m about to pick on millennials, and I recognize that many are smart, pragmatic, and good citizens. They are bright, law abiding, mask wearing millennials.

That said, right now, some millennials have parsed the group into 2 sub-groups – the intelligentsia and the idiots. I will focus on the idiots.

Millennial idiots have been holding parties intent on seeing who can get infected by Covid-19 first. (Take a minute and read this link) As much as it sounds like harmless fun, clearly, this is no game of Heads-Up.

See, universal norms in the idiot world, include screaming at clergy, “STOP YOUR BABBLING AND GET ON WITH THE SERVICE!” Idiots are welcome to hold up an intersection because they’re navel gazing into Tik Tok, not to mention play risky, death-defying games. Makes you wonder whatever happened to strip poker.

Many of them hold parties intent on seeing who can get infected by Covid-19 first. As much as it sounds like harmless fun, clearly, this is no game of Heads-Up.

Why are millennials are doing this? Perhaps they feel invincible. Perhaps they feel their whole life is ahead of them and this is just a blip.

Perhaps it all boils down to the premise — they’re testing the boundaries of a virus that has no boundaries-not even in the body.

Who knows? Maybe the rest of us have it wrong. During these morbid, unsettling times, maybe close-knit parties are a playfully sound thing to do.

And what does the winner really win at the game’s end? Two weeks of Texas quarentine? Florida’s southern hospitality in a hotbed under a tent with hundreds of their corona cohorts?

Look, we get these days seem about as exciting as any People Mag report about whatever the hell Prince Harry and Megan Markel are doing or wearing or whining about.

And we get you people are single, have little responsibility, and want high risk activities to jack your nerves.

However, the bottom line is, way down deep, we know you don’t want this virus. And you’re not in high school. You don’t need to succumb to freshman year forces anymore. Act like a senior instead! A responsible senior.

Because, right now, millennials, common sense is the only advanced therapy for you people. The others are for the smart people who demonstrate care for the community.

Society wants you to wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands. Who knows? With any luck, one of you may be around to save this world and that’s a game worth playing.

Anthony C. Fireman
Anthony C. Fireman

