Hey, I’m The 0.1% of COVID that Survives Your 99.9% Hand Sanitizer & You can’t Stop Me, Motherfucker!

The Daily Brailey
The Haven
Published in
1 min readNov 2, 2021

You think you can kill me? You got another thing coming bitch.

I will not go quietly in the night and drown in your alcohol wipes. No fucking way.

Purell. Clorox. That gin brand that started making sanitizer out of the blue. They claim to kill 99.9% of germs, but they can’t kill me. Look it up!

Not one brand guarantees they can stop me. They don’t have the fucking balls, bitch.

I’m a survivor. I’m gonna make it. It’s what I do. It’s what my dad did. It’s what his dad did. It’s what Destiny’s Child did.

The more you pump that Purell – the more I duck. The more I weave. The more I’ll never leave.

I am your Darth Vader. And I will find you Luke Skywalker.

I am the 1% that 99% won’t get.

