Homicidal Psychopath or Cat?
#7: Says that they will “wipe off all the rats in the country.”
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2021
- Does not like people.
- Would kill you if they got the chance.
- Will eat you after you die.
- Does not like it when you pet them — a little more than normal people.
- Hates that dog you have and would rather kill it too.
- Will get near to you, asking for help when you’re in a lonely, dark place.
- Says that they will “wipe off all the rats in the country.”
- Does not want your hugs. Blood would do.
- Will sniff you for unknown reasons.
- Might eat mice? You never know.
- Might just have a secret group that does all the horrible things in the world.
- Will creepily stare at the neighbor.
- Chews weird things like blankets, socks, plastic bags, skin, and bones out of boredom.
- Breaks expensive things and is really so “clumsy,” that you sometimes think they’re doing it on purpose.
- Doesn’t poop where they’re supposed to.
- Will stare at you for the entire night after you’ve gone to sleep.
- Will bring you dead things that they just killed, being really proud about it.
- Will stand behind you and stare at you creepily.
- Headbutts you sometimes when you’re not looking.
- Stays up all night thinking about mysterious things.
- Will claw your eyes out if you make them angry.