How A Bidet Changed My Life

The power of a water hose stationed in a toilet

Dylan Chia
The Haven


Photo by Chuttersnap from Unsplash

There are two types of people in the toilet: those who use toilet paper, and those who use a bidet. I’ve always identified with the former group, until recently when an event forced me to reevaluate my personal identity.

Before continuing, I understand that there may be some confusion as to what a bidet is. To clarify, it is (as mentioned in the subtitle) a water hose used to clean your … pipes, instead of wiping it down with toilet paper.

Back to my life-changing event, it started when I recently had the unfortunate experience of poor bowel movement (probably due to lack of water, so keep that in mind before a similar experience forces you to learn this lesson the hard way, literally), and as such, would experience bleeding due to the friction whenever I was unloading the goods.

As it continued for a few days, I would constantly find blood even before I finished wiping, and it would leave me sore after I was done. Unfortunately, as I did not have a bidet at home, I had no choice but to keep wiping with toilet paper. However, my eyes were opened when one fateful day, I finally decided to try something new.

I fondly remember that day, as it was one of the rare moments where I actually went outside to experience our…



Dylan Chia
The Haven

A creative space for me to transform my thoughts into words