How I Earned $80K in 2020 by Freelance Writing and Starting a Cult

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Brian Abbey
The Haven


If you’re anything like me, 2020 was a swift kick in the pants to your professional life and your bank account. After trying and failing with a handful of side gigs, I managed to supplement my lost income by freelance writing and starting my own cult.

Writing for Money

I’d written compelling content for my own website. The question was — could I convince someone else to pay me to do it for them?

Landing my first client

Much of the success we have in life begins with our network. Knowing people is our superpower.

I sent emails to my professional contacts letting them know about my new endeavor. A former colleague named Brad emailed me back.

He gave me a small content project for his company’s website redesign. We agreed to a fixed-price project for $400.


Brad was willing to take a chance on me because I was willing to take a chance on me. If we don’t believe in ourselves, we cannot expect others to put their trust in us.

This project marked the end of my freelancing career. I took the lessons I learned from this…



Brian Abbey
The Haven

expat, ex-philosopher, ex-entrepreneur writing on society, relationships, & AI singularities. VICE, Salon, & misc humor sites @brianabbey