How To Avoid Office Nags

David Volk
The Haven
3 min readJun 9, 2021


Look For These Characteristics Of Nudges…

As we’ve made our way through the alphabet, we’ve talked about some pretty annoying people so far, but nudges may be the worst because working with them gives you the feeling that you never left home. Of course, if you miss the love your mom used to shower on you, it’s nice to have them around….until you realize why you left home in the first place.

While there does seem to be some disagreement over how to pronounce the word — some say it rhymes with “fudge,” others say it has the ou sound in “could” — there’s no disagreement on one thing, you really don’t want such a person near you, especially if they have these characteristics.

Likes To Look At Your Clothing And Say, “You’re Going To A Lunch Meeting In That?”…..

Usually, our clothes were a little more understated than this, but still they couldn’t stop themselves from asking. Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. They really can’t stop themselves. The best answer we’ve found is, “Yes. And I’ll buy more of the same type of outfit just to annoy you.” What are they going to do, spank you?



David Volk
The Haven

I’m a Seattle-based freelancer and humorist who loves goofy humor, politics and pot stirring, if you know what I mean.