How To Be A Porn Star In Bed

It’s not as easy as it looks!

Christine's Adventures
The Haven


With OnlyFans and Chaturbate came the democratization of porn. Now anybody with an iphone can be a porn star.

The problem I’ve been finding lately is that guys seem to have more “porny” expectations than ever before. A gal has a million more reasons to be insecure about sex — (“I didn’t squirt on the first date, is that OK?).

Ladies, relax. I’m here to with a dose of sanity. There is a huge difference between porn and real life.

For instance, the women in porn are impossible.

1. Their pussies do not grow hair.

This is a big difference. Real pussies on real ladies do grow hair. But when you look at women in porn, you would never know it. Some people call these pussies shaved, but I think that is a misnomer. There is absolutely no evidence on the bare pussy of porn having ever been shaved. And by evidence, I mean those millions of little red bumps that popped up when I shaved my pussy that one time.

A porn star’s pussy is just naturally bare, kind of like Barbie’s.

In real life, in addition to the red bumps and the chafing that comes from a shaved vag, there are other objections more serious. Young…



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