How to Cope with the Grim Discovery that You Are a Huge Ding-Dong

We all do very, very stupid things sometimes, and that’s OK

Gina Gallois
The Haven


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

Things have been a whirlwind of activity around my house lately. My husband Fab and I have been getting. shit. done.

In the last several weeks, I have been working my tail off on my upcoming children’s book and staying home with the kids, he’s been working for pay, and we’ve both been putting various finishing touches on our latest construction project.

There’s never a dull moment. Or a spare moment, for that matter.

In my zeal to make my self-publishing endeavor a killer success, I hired a wonderful consultant for a couple of strategy sessions and she gave me a long list of things to do, which I started on immediately.

Today, I posted an announcement on my personal Facebook page telling the people in my world about my project and asking them to sign up for my mailing list to get updates and help me spread the word.

Many hours later, a friend from grad school gently pointed out that I had a spelling mistake in my bitlink. Oh, my god, I cannot believe what a ding-dong I am.

Naturally, I was in the middle of listening to my six-year-old talk incessantly while I nursed the baby, wondered…



Gina Gallois
The Haven

Award-winning children’s author, autism mama, feminist pirate, over-thinker, lover of audiobooks, crochet addict. She/her.