How to Ensure That Your Original Content Fails to Go Viral

Start with the decision to write a short humor article

Rowdy Geirsson
The Haven


“He’s A Goofy Cat” by katstan

With everything so online nowadays and vastly increasing numbers of people staying at home just browsing the web, it’s become easier than ever before to create original content that goes viral. In fact, with all of the various interconnected social media outlets and predatory algorithms that fuel websites and track our behavior, it’s a wonder that some content still manages to never go viral at all.

But if you’re like me and long for the glory days of the world wide web when you could create original content that never had a chance in hell of going viral, then you’re in luck! Because I’ve outlined the following strategy to ensure that any new content that you create will totally fail to go viral — without fail:

1. Decide to write a short humor article

This is an important one — where it really all begins, so to speak. Writing short format humor is not necessarily in and of itself a sure-fire way to fail at going viral, but it is the best starting point presently available. This is because most people want their free, online humor to be delivered to them in the form of 280 characters or less via Twitter or Facebook (preferably accompanied with a gif of a…



Rowdy Geirsson
The Haven

Promoting Leif Eriksson awareness and failing. Atrocities beyond the Medium Bubble at Metal Sucks, McSweeney’s & Points in Case.