How To Get Perfect Pictures of Your Baby In a Pumpkin Patch

As social media demands

Stacey Curran
The Haven


Photo by Carly Sagers on Unsplash

I must take my baby to this farm stand, and pick out some very symmetrical round pumpkins to photograph her next to, or I am a negligent parent. All I see on social media is cute children in pumpkin sweaters sitting near pumpkins. My baby can do that too.

She can’t sit up but she can probably wobble upright long enough if I stick her between two big orange pumpkins.

Oops! She cannot. Obviously, I didn’t think she’d fall backward. The grass behind her was soft.

I see you looking at me, lady. She’s fine. I think your kid just stuck his hand in a goat’s mouth.

My baby is only crying because it startled her. She’s not scared.

I am resetting her pose.

Babies can pose.

I placed a taller oblong pumpkin behind her, next to the two round ones next to her. She is in her own little pumpkin studio apartment. She isn’t going anywhere.

Yes, she’s crying and squirming! Babies do stuff like that. Stop looking at me like you are the mom police, lady. Your kid is playing in the parking lot.

She has no teeth, but I’m giving her a big apple to hold, so she will be distracted and not writhe around…



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