How to Look Like You’re Working Hard While Doing Absolutely Nothing

Lea San Martano
The Haven
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2020
  1. Run your hands through your hair and go “ugh”.
  2. Lean in close, with your shoulders just wide enough to hide the screen.
  3. Go to lunch and forget to come back.
  4. Turn your brightness all the way down, you have sensitive eyes.
  5. Bring papers from home and spread them out all over your desk. Frantically look through them. A+ for tennis-like grunts.
  6. Zoom in on the article you’re reading so people can’t see that you are reading 15 signs that you’re a potato.
  7. Say “C’mon” while moving your mouse around.
  8. Write a list. About anything. Hence this list.
  9. Subscribe to every website then walk in every morning and say 1,000 emails ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?
  10. Find the loneliest person in the office and ask them about their day. Guaranteed hour convo.
  11. Write a letter to Congress! (I’m a millennial and I want to show Gen-Z readers that my generation cares too OKAY)
  12. Make a budget on excel. Or literally, do anything on excel.
  13. Solve world hunger.
  14. Learn insider trade secrets. Then you can do nothing all day without getting fired.
  15. Roll a joint and see how literally no one in the office is actually paying attention to whatever you’re doing so go Instagram your heart out.

