Presh marvis
The Haven
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2023



Making money from YouTube is a great way to supplement your income. There are many ways to do this and be make money from YouTube, and the best way to find out is to start experimenting and see what works best for you to make money from YouTube .

One way to make money from YouTube is to create and sell videos. This is a great way to make money if you have a niche topic that you can talk about in an entertaining way. You can also make money from video advertising, which is when companies pay you to place their ads on your videos. You can also sell merchandising rights to your videos, such as T-shirts and posters. Finally, you can create video courses and sell them online.

for summary how to get free 10 thousand views and thousands of subscribers in a week CLICK HERE NOW to get this eBook for $5

making money from viewers on YouTube

Another way to make money from YouTube is to create and promote video blogs. This is a great way to make money if you have a lot of information to share, and you can generate a lot of traffic to your website from your videos. You can also make money by selling sponsorships for your videos, and by selling advertising.
Now you see that how to make money from YouTube is absolutely easy, but without viewers and subscribers you can’t make money from YouTube. That’s why you need this comprehensive eBook that will help you to get free viewers and thousands of subscribers in just a week.
ARE YOU UNDER 1,000 YOUTUBE subscribers? Do you Want to get your first Thousands of Subscribers on YouTube with 10k viewers to enable you to make money on YouTube? If Yes then this book is for you.

this eBook will help you to get 10k views and thousands of subscribers, and this will enable you to make thousands of dollar from your YouTube channels

There can be many reasons why YouTube channel might not be getting a lot of viewers, but the most common one is that it is not optimized for search and your channel name, description, and other metadata are not accurate and up to date this can cause you not making money from YouTube. Also, your videos are well-made and interesting, that’s why this book with teach you all you need to do, to make your channel’s getting millions of viewers and thousands of subscriber’s.
Likewise this eBook will teach you few ways to get subscriber’s and watching hours for free without stress to enable you to make money on YouTube and through other websites as well.


  1. How to send out email newsletters or provide valuable information in your blog posts that subscribers can use to increase their watch hours.

2. How to use social media platforms to promote your videos and get people to watch them.

4. How to conduct contests or sweepstakes to get people to watch more videos.

5. How to make your videos easy to watch and include captions and subtitles for people who need them.

This eBook will teach you Type of sites that pays users for watching their videos. Site to use if you want to make money from your videos, You can make money by uploading your videos and then choosing to make money through ads or by charging people for access to your videos. Type is a great way to make money from your videos and it is easy to use.

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the more people people view your videos the more money you make,this eBook will teach type of things you need to do to keep viewers coming back for more: .

One of the best ways to keep viewers and subscribers on YouTube is to create engaging content. There are many things this eBook will show you how to make sure your videos are interesting and keep viewers coming back for more:

1. MAKE SURE YOUR VIDEOS ARE WELL-MADE. This eBook will teach the means using high-quality filming equipment, editing software, and sound equipment. This will help make your videos look and sound professional.

2. BE CREATIVE. This book will show you how to create interesting and creative ways to present your content. This will keep viewers interested and engaged.

3. OFFER INCENTIVES. This another method this eBook will show you how to offer incentives such as free products or discounts to viewers who subscribe to your channel. This will help keep them coming back for more.
4. KEEP YOUR CONTENT UPDATED. This eBook will teach how to Regularly updating your content to ensure that viewers feel like they’re getting value for their money.

Overall, it’s important for you to get this eBook. WHY?

This eBook will show you techniques that you can use to increase your subscriber’s base and view download statistics. This eBook techniques include:

1. This eBook does not focused on a specific audience, but all areas which you may like to engage upon.

2. This eBook is designed to help readers solve a specific problem.

3. This eBook filled with valuable content to help your YouTube channel to grow supper.

4. This eBook is easy to download and use.

5. Likewise this eBook is affordable to purchase for just $5.

6. CLICK HERE TO make order now


There are a few things you can do to get more free subscribers on your YouTube channel and everything have been comprehensive range inside this book for free with their direct link to the website.

1. To Make sure your videos are interesting and engaging, To keep your viewers coming back for more we have created some content inside this eBook which people search for time to time and how to rank your channel higher on top of YouTube and Google searching this will enable you to make money from YouTube channels.

2. Share your videos on social media platforms help a lot, inside this eBook will have created some Links to different social media This will help get your videos in front of a wider audience and increase your chances of getting subscribers.

3. This eBook will teach you marketing techniques to increase your chances of getting subscribers. Use engaging graphics, interesting titles, and other video marketing techniques to get viewers to subscribe to your channel.

This eBook will teach you Type of site that pays users for watching their videos. Site to use if you want to make money from your videos. You can make money by uploading your videos and then choosing to make money through ads or by charging people for access to your videos. Type is a great way to make money from your videos and it is easy to use, everything have be comprehensive arrange inside this eBook.


this eBook cost only $5, no any other changers again .

the eBook cost only $5


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How to make money from YOUTUBE. You can make money by uploading your videos and then choosing to make money through ads or by charging people for access to your videos. Type is a great way to make money from your videos and it is easy to use, everything have be comprehensive arrange inside this eBook.



Presh marvis
The Haven

Am online marketing researcher,and motivational teacher with more experience.