Tal Abbady
The Haven
Published in
7 min readSep 2, 2018


“person holding orange fruits” by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

How to Manifest Sorghum

The annual Hay House-TED Talk Media Inc. International Wealth Consciousness Seminar, I Can Manifest It, kicks off in the world´s largest refugee camp in Dadaab, Kenya. The refugee camp serves tens of thousands of Somali drought and civil war refugees. Two Human Potential celebs, the blockbuster publishing duo Deepak and Tony, are in a makeshift television studio built overnight near the camp´s main center of operations. Deepak and Tony are dressed in typical Somali macawis. A studio audience has been flown in from different parts of the United States.

Brainwave Power Music (with Binaural Beats & Isochronic Tones) begins playing. The audience applauds and Tony’s voice fills the studio.

TONY: Well, everybody, isn´t this iyadaba?! (Somali for ‘fabulous’) This is our first time in Africa — and our first time in a refugee camp — and we owe this to a wonderful little girl we´ll meet in just a few minutes. We know there are thousands of you watching live back home on the PBS Pledge-a-thon, and we want to thank you for tuning in, and we want to thank our studio audience — the lucky winners of the TED Talk-Hay House Abundance Raffle, all of whom won tickets to attend this event in person — for traveling such a long way with us. Folks, this is what I´m always talking about. This is getting to a place of surrender and letting the Field of Potentiality take over for numinous things to happen. And this is what we´ve done. We´ve aligned our vibrational frequencies, we created an intention, and we plucked this amazing journey to Dadaab right from the coffers of the universe.

The audience applauds and whistles.

TONY: Isn´t that right, Deepak? Are you feeling this or what?

DEEPAK: Yes, yes. And can I just add Tony, that in a universe where healing, happiness and true nutrition take place at the quantum level, a universe where we are not machines subject to mechanical laws, but creative beings who have a profound influence on the course of our destinies, on our bodies, on the presence or lack thereof of happiness, health, food and material wealth in our lives. When we realize this, when our little guest of honor realizes this, we will come into the miraculous.

Brainpower Music and loud applause

TONY: Hell yeah! Ok, Deepak. We need to shut up now for a moment because we´re about ready to meet today´s I-Am-That-I-Am-Wishes-Fulfilled-Living Chairperson For the Day. Is she here? Is Muna in the room?

A 12-year-old Somali girl wearing a headscarf, jeans and pink t-shirt walks down a red-carpet aisle and onto the stage. She vigorously shakes hands with Deepak and Tony and sits in an empty chair between them.

TONY: So, Muna, do you want to tell everyone how you´re the reason we´re all here today, in this camp?

MUNA: I saw an ad on the TED Talk-Hay House Wealth Consciousness website asking people to write letters and that there was a contest. I saw Tony’s picture and he looked like a cool guy. He looked like he could help my family. I saw it in the camp offices, where an aid worker let me use his laptop.

TONY: And how did you even find our website? And whoa, little lady. Guess who´s going to help her family? Guess who´s going to help herself?

MUNA: Well, I typed Help Me God into Google and your website came up and I read about the contest. And I also read the free first chapter of about twelve of your books on Amazon. And to answer your question — ME! That´s what you said in the email where you told me I won. Because I had submitted the best and most original Wealth Consciousness-I Can Manifest It Proposal.

Audience applauds.

TONY: And can you tell the audience, and tell our viewers, what you propose to do, Muna? How we´re going to help you use the Field of Potentiality?

MUNA: Yes. I´m going to manifest a bag of sorghum for my family.

Audience gasps and applauds. Brainwave Power Music plays, and Tony takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. The music fades.

TONY: That´s a remarkable request you´re making of the Field of Potentiality, Muna. May I ask why you´ve chosen a bag of sorghum? Is it sorghum?

MUNA: Yes. Well, I already have plenty of clothes from OXFAM. And one of the aid workers lets us use his car to get around the camp. Anyway, if I manifested the car, then I´d have to manifest the gas for it, and my older brother would turn me into his personal gas cow so he can drive his girlfriend around. I know everyone manifests job promotions, or for the cancer to go away — but that´s not for me. It´d be great to have larger classrooms at my school — there´s two hundred of us in just in homeroom. But I guess I´m lucky enough to be the only girl there because my parents are awesome. Most girls are getting married or collecting the firewood. I could manifest happiness, but that´s so Oprah. I know you guys are huge, so I want to use my time well.

DEEPAK: That´s very good, Muna. And about happiness — most who seek it don´t believe they are worthy of it. They’re trapped in the web of their own karmic imprints. They resist the one liberating truth at the heart of universal potentiality. Do you know what that is?

MUNA: I AM LOVE! Is that it?

DEEPAK: YES! That´s it. You have a high vibrational frequency, Muna.

TONY: But that brings me back to my question, my dear. Why the sorghum?

MUNA: Because this camp is a dump, my father says. Now that the drought conditions are better, and refugees are being forced out, he says we’re going back to southern Somalia, where we have a farm. Well, it wouldn´t be going back for me. I was born here in Dadaab. But anyway, in case there´s more drought in Somalia, I want to be able to help. I want to manifest sorghum.

TONY: Ok, Muna. You know, in order to really shift frequencies at the level of Pure Spirit, you must not think so much about being hungry and things like that.

MUNA: Oh, ok. I´m not starving or anything. Others are hungry here in the camp but my mom always has food for us in our tent. My dad worries about famine in Somalia and seeing his village again. These douchebags with guns chased him out before I was born. I even thought of manifesting a machine gun for him when we go back.

DEEPAK: Excellent, Muna! Always remember that wars, famines and droughts have frequencies in the field, my child. If you tune into them by worrying about the next disaster all the time, the universe will only reflect them right back to you! That´s where wealth consciousness comes in.

MUNA: Wow! I´ll have to tell that to my dad. Can we manifest my sorghum now?

TONY: Yes, Deepak, let´s get to it. Are you ready, Muna?

MUNA: Yes! I´m ready!

TONY: Do you feel rich, abundant, sated? Like you already have all the sorghum in the world? And come to think of it little miss, ARE YOU WORTHY OF THE SORGHUM? You must feel worthy of it! Answer honestly. The Field will know if you’re lying!


TONY: Ok, Muna. Deepak and I will lead the ceremony. We just need you to close your eyes and picture the bag of sorghum you want. Turning to the audience: And we ask everyone in the audience, and everyone watching us — please close your eyes and think sorghum.

The audience is quiet. Tony, Deepak and Muna close their eyes. Only the whirr of a fan is heard. After a few minutes, Deepak and Tony are sweating. Muna´s face is screwed up with effort. Then someone in the audience cries Oh My God! Muna opens her eyes. At her feet is a torn, mostly empty box of Cheerios. Muna looks intrigued and confused. She picks up the open box and turns it upside down and a few Cheerios spill out. Deepak is scowling at Tony.

TONY: (sheepishly and looking at Deepak): Well, look, I don´t really know what sorghum is, ok? Anyway, this is better if she gets the hang of it.

MUNA: (holding up the box) Oh, cool!

DEEPAK (leaning behind Muna and whispering angrily): What energetic principle did you activate, moron!

TONY: Well, duh — radical synchronicities.

DEEPAK: You blew off interdependent self-arising, AGAIN?! You can forget about manifesting with Madonna next week on The View.

MUNA (overhearing) : Chill, Deepak! If I can just manifest the frosted kind and several tons of canned milk, it’s all good! I’ll make a killing right here in Dadaab!

Wild applause from the audience. Muna stands and presses the Cheerios box to her chest. To more thunderous applause and stomping feet, she bows and walks off the stage with her materialized prize, vowing to learn the molecular constitution of evaporated milk and processed cereal grains.



Tal Abbady
The Haven

Tal has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, Dame Magazine, BBC, NPR’s Code Switch, Literary Hub, and other publications.