How To Rock Your Google Exit Interview

C L Smith
The Haven
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2022


deagreez —

The first step to rocking your Google Exit Interview is getting hired by Google in the first place. This is so simple and easy to accomplish I won’t insult your intelligence by even mentioning it again. Instead, let’s jump ahead and consider the common trick questions you can expect to hear during your inevitable Exit Interview, which could be happening a lot sooner than you think:

Have you done anything really Evil today?

Describe in detail.

If a shaman spiked five gallons of Jello with 1000 milligrams of LSD at Burning Man, how many milligrams of acid will be in each of the free Jello shots he gives away?

Have you ever been sexually attracted to the Google voice?

If so, which one?

Say something bad about Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg just for the heck of it.

In any physics equation, what do the underlying vectors JFGI stand for?

Going forward, how can we cram more ads onto You Tube?

What do you really think of Serg, Larry and the Honey Badger video?

How many Google engineers would it take to re-invent the light bulb?

Have you ever seen a naked gladiator?



C L Smith
The Haven

Top writer in Satire. Author of Tongue in Chico and The Corporate Weenie Almanac.