how to sarah cooper
a shout-out to lip syncing’s new queen
how to sarah cooper
cut your teeth on office wisecracks
google-hipster comedy acts
a “dilbert for the rest of us”
millennialese festivus
recall you from my early days
on this here online writers’ maze
our funny bones all a-tickle
with your workplace tricks listicle
now you’ve really hit the big time
with this tiktok parody line
headlining on daytime ellen
zoom-chatting at night with fallon
how to lobster, how to bunker
you’ve become our chief debunker
how to bible and hydroxy
how to burn the prez by proxy
with your talents you lay bare
all the substance that ain’t there
with each finely executed gesture
peel away a con man’s vesture
with each subtle mannerism
hold up a ferocious prism
you pull off what so few could —
you make that big dark suit look good!
thanks, Sarah Cooper, glad to see you crushin’ it!
me, personally, I’m a little too old to be on TikTok, so I watch your work on YouTube — the above still frames I took from this compilation: