How to Stay Hot as a Woman Over 27

The routine and indefatigable discipline you need!

Jennifer Haubrich
The Haven


Photo by kevin laminto on Unsplash

Ladies, how lucky are we to live in a time where we can live a long and productive life? Also, one in which looking like we’ve lived a long time is not just optional, but strongly discouraged and frequently frowned upon?!

Maintaining a hot, youthful appearance means keeping up with the latest beauty standards. Men get bored with the same type of beautiful women. We’ve got to mix it up to keep things interesting!

So here’s what we’re going for these days: Think of a cross between a Bratz doll and Malibu Barbie after a visit to a clinic in Brazil, but with nipples.

If you’re confused by the current aesthetic preference for big butts, because you’ve lived your entire life trying to get yours to appear smaller, know that there were only so many times even white guys could hear Sir Mix-a-Lot before they decided he was “really onto something.”

Regardless, you may be thinking, this is not how most women naturally look.

To this I say, of course not!

Duh. Part of what makes things perceived as beautiful is that they are hard to attain. Imagine if every ceiling looked like the Sistine Chapel’s. Bor-ring. No one would ever bother to look up!



Jennifer Haubrich
The Haven

Finding the funny in relationships, parenting, life, and personifying inanimate objects. Contact: