How to Talk to Your Partner About Dying of Hypothermia in 10 Easy Steps!

Broach the topic In January

Tarja Parssinen
The Haven
2 min readJan 22, 2022


Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash
  1. Broach the topic In January, when you are officially north of the wall.

2. Stare lovingly into your partner’s eyes, while reciting the 10-day forecast. Your partner’s eyes might be closed because it’s 6:50 in the morning, but don’t let that deter you.

3. Repeat the 10-day forecast, every three hours. Intone it loudly from the office, whisper it by the fridge door while your partner is making lunch, or send it in a text. They will be startled and / or chagrined, but it’s important to know how to plan for the 2-degree grocery run.

4. Liven up the 10-day forecast with a dramatic reenactment of the hour-by-hour forecast.

5. On Thursday, the wind chill will be -18 degrees. Only by saying this 10 million times will your partner grasp the magnitude of the situation. Don’t smile while you say it. No one likes the self-satisfied, self-taught meteorologist.

6. Death from extreme cold can be nicely broached over hot cinnamon spice tea, a kick to the shins, or while you wait to see whether the car engine will start or die.

Photo by Andreea Popa on Unsplash

7. Continue to repeat the 10-day forecast as if you’re clubbing a baby seal over the head.

8. On day 10 of the 10-day forecast, announce that the new 10-day forecast looks even worse.

9. Recite the lowest temperatures of the week while your partner reads a book. Let the reality of this Edvard Munch nightmare absorb through osmosis.

Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

10. Leave “Weather on the 1s” in the background like an Eskimo blessing:

May the temperature rise up to meet you.
May the wind be blocked by 20 layers of waffle-knit thermals.
May the sun shine upon your dry, cracked skin;
The snow plowed clear upon your drive,
And until we meet again, may your body temperature remain normal.

