How to Transform Your Home From Squalid to Spectacular Through the Life-Changing Magic of Reality Distortion

It’s effortless! It’s FREE!

Jan M Flynn
The Haven


That’s right, friends: in one easy step, you can instantly go from this:

Photo by Wendelin Jacober on Pexels

To this!

Image by chien than from Pixabay

I dropped by a friend’s house recently. She greeted me at the door. “Come on in,” she said, “but please ignore the mess. I haven’t gotten around to cleaning.”

My friend lives alone. She has no children and no pets. She is an organized person. Her home’s vibe could be described as eclectic minimalism.

What it could not be described as is a mess.

I mean, I saw one or two lint particles on the hardwood floor, but only because she pointed them out. I visited her guest bathroom, about which she issued similar warnings. Instead of wet towels and mildew, I encountered only pristine porcelain, spotless counters, and an unsmudged mirror.

Maybe she hadn’t switched out the scented guest soap? I couldn’t tell.



Jan M Flynn
The Haven

Writer & educator. The Startup, Writing Cooperative, P.S. I Love You, The Ascent, more. Award-winning short fiction. Visit me at