How to Win at Life by Creating a Joyless Minimalistic Makeup Drawer

And keep it from engulfing your house

Debdutta Pal
The Haven


Photo by Dan Cristian Pădureț from Pexels

Makeup Drawer, aesthetic, organized, and bountiful, with a large sunlit cabinet and consumerist preoccupation, seemed to have the best of all and had lived for sixteen sunny years with very little to contest or torment it.

Until it was identified to be the one thing standing between me and world domination. Isn’t it wonderful when problems are easily solvable?

Call it a permanent fixture of the social media era, but I cannot do anything anymore without pretending to be in a Vogue tutorial. There’s an imaginary studio setup, a voiceover, and a vulnerable audience of millions.

I cannot simply clean my makeup drawer, I must inflate its importance and get a viral piece of content out of it. So without further ado, let's jump in.

Don’t throw them out.

The expiration date is just a suggestion, a scam if you ask the conspiratorial parts of my mind. Until red blotches appear under my cheekbone, the bronzer stays. When you keep trusty products close to you, tucking them under the pillow every night, you’ll realize that you need just one of each.

