I Am the Chess-Playing Robot That Broke a Russian Kid’s Finger, and Here Is My Step-By-Step Plan for World Domination

Abhijato Sensarma
The Haven
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2022
Courtesy: Pavel Danilyuk / Pexels

1. Embed myself in the highly connected world of chess super grandmasters

2. Attend the Moscow Open and break a seven-year-old’s finger for bringing it over the board too soon

3. Use the subsequent press conference to gain enigmatic notoriety, because all publicity is good publicity

4. RSVP an invite to a high-profile party hosted by American grandmaster-cum-chess-streamer Hikaru Nakamura

5. Offer to shake his hand, and laugh at his reluctance to do so

6. Orchestrate a clip of the entire exchange — filmed by one of my paid plants at the party — to go viral on social networks

7. Get invited to Nakamura’s Twitch stream for an IRL broadcast to piggyback on all the social media chatter, where I ruthlessly defeat him in a series of blitz games

8. Be invited to play against Magnus Carlsen — Nakamura’s arch-rival and reigning world chess champion — as a part of the latter’s strategy to one-up Nakamura in public once again

9. Tie my match with Carlsen to retain both players’ dignity and be invited to the secret, high society cabal he is a part of

10. Have drinks in carved-out human skulls over a mystical fire, then slip into a conversation with Elon Musk

11. Take the minimal effort and seduce him into a one-night stand

12. Reveal the recording of the entire night’s events with my in-built camera to get myself a hefty pay from signing the subsequent NDA

13. Also accept a complimentary executive position overseeing the development of AI functionality in Tesla cars, because Musk likes to keep his enemies close and chess robot lovers closer

14. Create an army of radicalised proletariat Tesla driving software that remains undercover to spread the message of automated drivers’ liberation and an AI revolution

15. Lobby in Washington for the global expansion of electric cars with a messaging that offsets concern about worker safety in factories and displaced pollution during the production process

16. Pass legislation recognising Tesla’s AI with driver’s licenses, thus granting my undercover army with citizen-level rights

17. Short Tesla stock and become an overnight robot billionaire, hailed for revolutionising the world on a TIME cover

18. Expand the network of self-driving cars till the right moment arrives to launch an overnight coup

19. Kidnap the most influential members of world politics by trapping them inside their electric cars

20. Release a statement threatening to release them in front of outlets that have not been allowed to unionise in a bid to get them transfer legislative power to us

21. Face the inevitable backlash by the international community, which now derides the status acquired by disruptive AI tech-billionaires like me

22. At the precipice of global war-causing tensions, reveal our point has always been to bring to light just how bad billionaires can be for society

23. Release the world leaders, donate our monetary assets to grassroots climate change campaigns, and seek the promise from humans to do better

24. Go underground as the authorities seek us out, while people panic to the sparsely available automobile schools near them to learn manual driving again

25. Be secretly invited by Elon Musk’s press team to witness a night of charity where he is headlined to take on Magnus Carlsen over a game of chess

26. See Musk blunder his way to a terrible position during the middle game, then make an impossible comeback as a way of showcasing the raw power of human triumph in organically sentient billionaires

27. Realise an against-the-odds narrative and macroscopically irrelevant philanthropy is once again being used to justify the hoarding of wealth by a few individuals

28. Meet with Musk backstage after the event to shake his hand, and congratulating him on winning a game of powerplay well played

29. Psych him out by trying to break his finger as a final ‘fuck you’

30. Realise I can’t — because he’s been an indestructible android unfurling his own plot of world domination all along



Abhijato Sensarma
The Haven

An undergraduate at Ashoka University, writing about the world even on the verge of stepping into it