I Blame Feminism

The Haven
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2023
photo of sad dog.
Photo: thefactualdoggo.com. Infamy…Infamy…..they’ve all got it in for me!

1st Man: ….Thanks to feminism us men have nothing. Absolutely nothing.

2nd Man: Fuck yeah!

1st Man: You can’t do anything….

2nd Man: Fuck yeah!

1st Man: You can’t say anything….

2nd Man: Fuck no! The fact you have to say it proves you’re right.

1st Man: The only thing we have left, before that gets taken off us….

2nd Man: Fuck yeah!

1st Man: Is writing in the Comments what Fems call, “shit opinions”….

2nd Man: Fuck yeah! Er, fuck no?

1st Man: Opinions that wind up Fems.

2nd Man: They do love to get wound up.

1st Man: They do love to get wound up.

1st Man & 2nd Man [high fiving]: Fuck yeah!

1st Man: And who else likes to get wound up?

2nd Man: Fuck!

1st Man: That very small group of men….

2nd Man: So called fucking “allies.”

Photo of angry dog.
Photo: Michelle Kelley Photography / Getty Images. I’m mad as hell and i’m not going to take it anymore.

1st Person: Why are they so angry?

2nd Person: They feel their community is under constant attack.

1st Person: What’s their community?

2nd Person: Angry men.





The Haven

Culturally diverse blue collar ageing b-boy and incessant moaner. Midlander. yUK. Pronoun: Amateur hour.