I Don’t Feel Old Until a Young Person Calls Me “Sir”

My back starts to hurt.

Ryan Redmond
The Haven


Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

I think of myself as young.

However, based on just simply being human, I know I am not young.

I am 36.

I know that anyone older than me will roll their eyes, but let’s face facts here.

The average lifespan of an American male is 76.

If I were to live that long, I’m almost halfway there.

It’s not just the data, but it’s how we all start to feel as we get older, no matter how much we take care of ourselves.

I used to be able to get up and go for a run, several miles, no prep beforehand.

Things became different as I aged.

  • Stretching has become key.
  • I’ve bought compression socks to help with my aching feet.
  • When a friend tells me about a product that helps with muscle pain, I rush out to buy some.
  • Soaking in a hot bath at the end of the week to relieve all the aches in my body with a glass of wine by my side is my ideal Friday night.

36 is not 26.

When I was 26, I was mixing red wine with whiskey shots at a dive bar in New Orleans, crashing…

