Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

I Got Dreams

Joe Camerota
The Haven


I got dreams. Let me tell ya about my dreams. When I’m 65 to 70 years old, whenever the last age they let you buy a gun is? I’m gonna buy a gun.

I’m gonna then lock that gun, fully loaded, away in a safe, until I’m 90 years old. And on my 90th birthday, I’m gonna take that fully loaded gun out of that safe. And I’m gonna walk out into the world with that fully loaded gun, concealed.

And as I, in my 90-year-old body, walk through the streets with that fully loaded gun, concealed, in and out of buildings, I’m gonna never say “Thank you” to anyone who opens a door for me, on purpose. Whenever someone opens a door for me, I’m gonna walk through it, and I’m NOT gonna say “Thank you.” I’m rather gonna show NO gratitude. And the first person who hits me with a condescending, “You’re welcome” after I don’t say “Thank you”, I’m gonna shoot that person.

I’m not gonna kill ’em. I’m just gonna shoot him (or her) in the leg at close range a bunch.

I wanna become a warning, where people tell others, “Hey, if someone forgets to show gratitude, just let that shit go. They might shoot you in your leg a bunch.”



Joe Camerota
The Haven

Joe is a comedian, a satirist, a philosopher, and a spectator of life. “Be Ye Not Lost Among Precepts of Order” - Principia Discordia :