I Heard . . .

Speaking Fiction to Power

Speaking Fiction To Power
The Haven


Art provided with permision of artist.

I heard Mitch McConnell has become a little more open to responding to press enquiries in a more timely fashion. Not his choice, but his carrier pigeon died.

On the other hand I heard that Ted Cruz, after walking away from a reporter asking questions about the school shootings in Texas, has started raising carrier pigeons.

And I heard Trump and son Donald Jr. got into a huge shouting match over who should run for president in ’24. Trump said he was, of course, going to run again, and Don Jr. insisted “forget it you old fool — it’s my turn next!” Things got so out of hand it made Eric cry, and pee his pants.



Speaking Fiction To Power
The Haven

I am an old man who loves to write - to entertain, to produce a chuckle, and occasionally make a point I think is worth making - and sometimes all three!