I need $5,000 Dollars For My Student Film so My Lead Actor Can Destroy a Room

Patrick Vermillion
The Haven
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2017

Hello I am writing here because GoFundMe, KickStarter, and IndieGoGo have all removed my funding page from the Internet. I am a senior at a VERY prestigious undergrad film program in the North East and I am currently filming my senior thesis: Currents. It’s a short film about how people flow in and out of your life during the summer of your college days, kind of like how currents flow in and out of a river. It’s a pretty well written script and due to some family connections it has been seen by someone who works at the Weinstein Company. The actors will work for free and thanks to the equipment provided by the school and my parents, I get to keep the budget relatively low.

There is one thing that my parents could not buy me however, and that is a full scale bedroom that my main character, Trent, destroys about 30 minutes into the 45 minute film. The scene is extremely important to the film as it is the climax and the point in which Trent needs to display his anger by throwing a chair into a bookshelf and slamming plates on the ground.

Trent isn’t destroying the room for no reason, obviously, that would be a bad script. He has just found out his father has been caught laundering money from his hedgefund and his girlfriend has hooked up with Trey after he admitted to her that he could not see their relationship going anywhere in the future. It’s pretty much the lowest point anyone could be at in their life and I can’t imagine a better way to show that than to have my straight white male main character physically destroy as much property as possible. And YEAH you guessed it, this MIGHT be based of a few TRUE stories.

So in conclusion please throw my student film some money so I can realize the dream that I’ve always had of telling this unique story that I think many people will find really relatable.

Here are the rewards

For 100 dollars you will get a copy of the film on Blu-Ray.

For 200 dollars you will get a signed copy of the Blu-Ray.

For 700 dollars you will be invited to the premier screening.

For 1,000 dollars you get a meet and greet with me.

For 2,5000 dollars you get a copy of the soundtrack on vinyl including tracks from the Chainsmokers and The Postal Service

For 5,000 dollars you will get associate producers credit but I reserve all rights if I ever get hit up by Weinstein.

Please. Help a struggling artist realize his dream.



Patrick Vermillion
The Haven

NYC writer/ comedian / software developer. Raised by wolves, educated by dolphins.