I Stretched This Morning and Saw the Face of God

It started as a morning like any other.

Matthew O'Boyle
The Haven
2 min readMay 26, 2021


The Ecstasy of St. Teresa (1647–1652) by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

It started as a morning like any other. The monotonous tones of my alarm clock rouse me from my slumber. My eyes blink open, not yet adjusted to the brightness of my dark room and its closed blinds. I nestle my head back into my pillow, savoring the last few minutes in my cocoon of blankets. My second alarm rudely interrupts.

I scroll on my phone aimlessly for a few minutes, then let out a rough exhale. I decide it is time to haul my body out of this haven and into the real world. But not without a quick stretch.

My arms reach above me, eventually making contact with the wooden headboard. My legs shoot to the end of the bed and my body lay in full extension, from hairs to toes. As my limbs lengthen, the stretch intensifies and I grasp my headboard, searching for solid ground as my body convulses in an uncontrollable pattern. My chin buries deep into my neck and my eyes roll to the back of my head, leaving nothing but a shameful grin on my face. My feet, pointed as if I were a ballerina, bob up and down.

Nothing but pure, orgasmic pleasure flows through my veins.

At the peak of my high, while my body parts are dictated by some force outside of my own mind, my eyes are fixed straight ahead. There he is. In my state of complete ecstasy, the face of God appears before me. He doesn’t speak, he simply brushes a lock of his hair aside and gives a smize (TM Tyra Banks). Then, as quickly as it began, my euphoria ends. Oxygen shoots back into my lungs without my noticing it ever left. I am not only awake, I am alive.

How does somebody continue on with their day after experiencing such an event?

My Sonicare, which once brought insurmountable joy, means nothing to me anymore. The remainder of my morning routine is pointless. All I can think about is tomorrow: a new chance to chase this dragon.

