I Thought I Was Deaf Every Day This Week

Kristine Laco
The Haven
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2021


Then I cleaned my AirPods.

Photo by Hostaphoto on Unsplash

I like to leave my EarPods in all day in case I want to listen to a book, podcast, music, or I get a call. I call it expediting, my family calls it annoying, but they are wrong. This week the family annoyed me with their cryptic talk designed to make me wonder if I’m going crazy. I think we all know that’s not the case. You can call me to discuss. I’m ready.

Each day I found myself in a SoundPod discussion that did not go well.


“Monday, want a hand with?” our daughter was talking.

“Hand with what?” I asked.

My daughter mimed removing my AirBuds. “Sandwich. Do you want a sandwich?” she repeated loud enough for me to understand. It helped that she used her miming skills to show the spreading of something and consumption of said-something. It’s good to have a second language and I swelled with pride.

“No thanks. But what did Monday have to do with it?”


“Yeah. Monday, want a sandwich?” I repeated.

I never got the sandwich and she walked away leaving me to wipe the counter. No worried. I’ll listen to something on my EarJacks while I work.




Kristine Laco
The Haven

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