I Want to Live in My Gingerbread House Now

Thanks for the memories, 2023, but it’s time to go!

L.B. Lewis
The Haven


small, homemade gingerbread house
L.B. Lewis’s Gingerbread House from Beverly Center Workshop

After a whirlwind 2023, my new home is looking better than ever.

It smells good. It’s clean. It’s paid off…it’s just a little small.

My year of the rabbit was not warm and fuzzy, but it was expensive.

It started off with the goal: Write more comedy.

Which quickly turned into: Spend money on comedy.

And, then I had a good friend pass away in March which led to: Spend more money on comedy.

I spent the most I’ve ever spent on writing and comedy classes, applications, open mics, and comedy shows. I figured if I was spending money, I had to be serious, and debt is serious.

I also upgraded to be a Medium Member in August. This was to read more original stories by indie authors and to see if as a paying member my content would reach new audiences.

While I have seen growth for my original stories, I made less than $2 during all of 2023 here.

In short, investments in writing yielded a negative ROI this year. However, a few comedic milestones include:

· Is Your Book Idea Really Your Spirit Animal? This was the first humorous essay I got…



L.B. Lewis
The Haven

Author of SMALL TALK WITH MYSELF, a 2022 Official Selection of Catalyst Festival and #1 Amazon book. Views are my own. Founder: MonteCristoStudio.com.